Dan Losak; P.O. Box 2001;  El Cerrito, CA 94530

To obtain an entry level position on a Webmaster team and a position as a Web Developer

Experience and Accomplishments:
•Webmastered and designed "Lawrence Ferrara: Classical Guitarist"
  copy of home page
•Part of Web development team for School of Behavioral Sciences (City College of S.F.)
•Webmaster and designer of online portfolio
•Webmaster and designer of online Christian Conference

Web Development skills:
•HTML: proficient coder
•Dreamweaver 4.0
•Photoshop 7.0
•Flash MX
•Gif Construction Set Professional

City College of San Francisco
°AA: Multimedia Studies
•Certificate: Web Design & Graphics

City College of San Francisco
°AA: Music
Queens College (C.U.N.Y.)
°BA: Religious Studies

•Fine Artist: various media
•Nature Photographer
•Musician: Multi-instrumentalist and Composer
•Physical fitness